Sunday, May 9, 2010

1st National Bicycle Day

There's no such a viable, practical and inexpensive way to move around urban areas as a bicycle. Of course it depends on the distance to be covered and city layout, other factors include traffic congestion, car parking availability and the associated cost, and public transport availability and efficiency.
Northern Europe countries are a near-perfect model of bike mobility. Century- or millennia-old cities were designed for pedestrian traffic and bikes do cope with certain situations while larger vehicles can't. Definitely my favorite choice in my hometown Torino.
Today Italy celebrates the first edition of the National Bicycle Day, an educational event to spread awareness and get people out of their SUVs.
Most kids can't wait to have a bicycle because it's fun. Why can't people still have this sort of fun after getting a driver's license? Time to go back in time folks! Shed some weight, save a few bucks and help the environment.
Looking forward to see thousands pedaling today around Torino ;)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Why a Blog?

Not sure, not yet. Never kept a journal in my life, neither jealously concealed nor public.
This is meant to be public and sort of my own chalkboard posted out the main street. Should I let the world know the daily list of groceries? Cry out loud how insane our planet is? Expose my most intimate theories? The daily behavior of my intestine? The relation between clumsiness and resolutions? The frantic addiction to satisfy the ego?
Wow, just a few lines and I realize this is intellectual property already!
Nope, none of the above. Probably just another stupid collection of random ideas and a chance for future personal review and for posterity to share excitement and boredom. Just another dull blog on top of millions. The casual art of living. Beware readers, myself included, until I'll delete the whole thing.